Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am watching Foyle's War on Pbs. I think it was on once before but I never followed it through. What a fascinating picture of England shortly after the war ended. The tension between american and English soldiers, segregation of blacks from whites--with only our honorable Detective Chief voting against. It's offensive to hear the men called colored.

There is also a British-sanctioned covert action in alliance with Stalin's Russia to kill off all the Russian soldiers who fought against Stalin and know of a horrendous killing zone in Odessa of Russians who fought for the wrong side--red or white depending on where they stood back in 1917.

It has made me think, just mull over history, especially those parts I didn't really know about it.

I am also getting ready to move to the Coast. My leave is up June 30 and I have no cause to renew here for another year. I will be looking for a place to rent, month-to-month, until making a permanent decision such as buy a condo. I go searching this weekend so please help me with your thoughts and prayers. I would like to be comfortable, with easy access to the coast, as well as paths up into the east hills.

I am applying to schools there as well, so that's important of course.

Still, I know this is the right course. Sounds a little funny, but I have such peace that this is the right way to go forward at this time.

JoAnn (JD)